album cover of 12 Golden Country Greats by Ween

12 Golden Country Greatsby Ween

released 7/16/1996 on Elektra

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TrackSong TitleFirst PlayedLast PlayedTotal
1I'm Holding Youfirst played: 09-01-1994last played : 09-15-2023total: 50 times
2Japanese Cowboyfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 02-15-2024total: 55 times
3Piss Up a Ropefirst played: 01-21-1995last played : 02-17-2024total: 545 times
4I Don't Want to Leave You on the Farmfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 02-15-2024total: 71 times
5Pretty Girlfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 10-17-2018total: 22 times
6Powder Bluefirst played: 03-10-1993last played : 02-17-2024total: 50 times
7Mister Richard Smokerfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 02-15-2024total: 335 times
8Help Me Scrape the Mucus Off My Brainfirst played: 04-18-1996last played : 02-15-2024total: 123 times
9You Were the Foolfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 02-17-2024total: 83 times
10Fluffyfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 02-18-2024total: 81 times
Total songs played live from this album: 1415
Average live plays per album track: 141.5
Average songs played per live show: 1.1